Friday, July 19, 2013

11 month update

Eleven months have passed since I first arrived in Korea!! While having dinner with friends earlier I mentioned that this would be the time when I'd be panicking and rushing to do and see everything before my time in Korea ends, but since I have made the decision to stay I feel really calm and at ease, specially since none of my close friends are leaving either.

Today I renewed my visa, and completed everything that's required for me to stay a second year. Nowadays, I find myself preparing for the two week Summer English camp that's coming up, trying to stay cool in this crazy hot weather, and daydreaming about my vacation to Japan that's also coming up. Life is good, honestly, I feel very settled and at home here. My school is wonderful, nobody really bothers me, which at first felt lonely, but hearing horror stories from friends or other people online, makes me really thankful that my school staff pretty much leaves me alone as long as show up and do what I'm supposed to.

I haven't been going out as much lately for crazy weekend nights, I feel like I've experienced Seoul nightlife enough to where I feel completely comfortable staying in and hanging out watching movies with friends, or even hanging out alone at my apartment. I've slacked off on my Korean classes, but I'm looking forward to starting that up again once camp and vacation are over with.

I'm just really content with everything in my life now, the only thing that would make it perfect would be seeing my family, but that's just once again me wanting to have my cake and eating it too.

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