Saturday, March 23, 2013

seven months & one year anniversary

March 20th marked my seventh month in Korea, and March 21st marked the one year anniversary of this blog!! This is officially the longest I have ever kept up with a blog/journal type thing, and I'm definitely glad I did it. Reading back on my first ever post, I was reminded of the hard times I was having back then and it really made me appreciate my current situation a lot more! I mean, a year ago, applying and coming to Korea was only a thought in my head, but I did it and now I'm here!  I went for a walk around my neighborhood this afternoon and it was so refreshing, the Korean people are so enthusiastic and interesting. One of my favorite pastimes is people watching, and guessing what their lives are like. I love the area where I live, if I walk along the main road it's busy with people, cars speeding by, and loud music spewing from shops but when I turn the corner into one of the backroads it's so peaceful, kids playing old ladies chatting on the sidewalk. I have five months left on my contract, and honestly, today made me realize that I'm nowhere near ready to leave this place; there is still so much I want to experience!

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